Friday, June 15, 2012

The Dream Act

I am pleased to announce that President Barack Obama has passed the Dream Act! The will stop the deportation of illegal young immigrants.

It is great to hear that Obama is still passing bills such as this one which greatly helps his chances of winning and shows the people that he is still in control.

For more information follow the link to the BBC article.

BBC just happens to be my favorite new source.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

First Lady Call Part Deux!

Right after the call, my excited face!
Imagine my surprise when Victoria Kirby calls me to inform me that I will be speaking with First Lady Michelle Obama once again! They had asked for me by name.

The practice call went well but the nerves really kicked in the day of the call. I could not wait! There were some bumps in the road of course, the pin number would not work, but it all worked out in the end. I had my questioned revised a couple and times and finally asked 

"Hi Mrs. Obama and thanks so much for taking time to talk with us tonight and to take my question. What can Hispanics do to help organize their communities and make sure we win Florida for the President this fall?"

She respond with poise and gave me some ideas to get more people involved. I am very honored to have had the opportunity to ask First Lady Michelle Obama one question, but two really made me feel special! I cannot wait to get back not the campaign trail and continue working for the Obama Campaign. 

Obama 2012!